Registration and Donations
For information on registration and donor opportunities please see below.

If you would like to make a donation, please click the Donate button below and enter your amount. .
Silent Auction
We will be hosting our auction online once again. In addition to the online we will also have items at the dinner for all to bid on in a silent auction.
Click on button above to be directed to the online auction site.

Tournament Registration
Registration for this Charity Tournament is $200. The registration fee includes your golf, cart, lunch and dinner.

Hole Donation
We are giving you the opportunity to have your company or you personally to be a part of this Charity Tournament by donating $150 for a hole. Your company name or your name will be advertised at a hole.

Tournament Donor
We are offering you the opportunity to be involved in this Charity Tournament as a Major Donor.
First Major Donor is the Breakfast Sponsor: cost is $1000.00
For this donation you have your company logo on the donors banner and all information for the tournament.
Second Major Donor is for the Golf Carts: cost for this is $2,000.00.
For this donation you will receive a foursome in the tournament, your company logo on the donors banner.
Third Major Donor is for the Food: cost for this is $3,000.00.
For this donation you will receive a foursome in the tournament, your company logo on the donors banner.
Forth Major Donor is for Golf : cost for this is $7,000.00.
For this donation you will receive two foursomes in the tournament, your company logo on the donors banner.
Finally, there is a General Donation:
With all donations you will receive a 100% tax receipt and will be mentioned at the dinner for your donation. Please send us an email through the Contact page for more information on this type of donation.